Used Cars Under $8000 for Sale in Tacoma

Searching for affordable used cars in Tacoma, Washington is made easy by using our online dealer locator to search for the best available used car listings in Washington. With a budget of $8000 you will have a bigger range of used vehicles to choose from.
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Results updated: Sep 07, 2024 - 8:22 pm

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You're currently viewing Used Cars Under $8000 in Tacoma, WA 98412
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If you're looking for a car near your home try our used auto locator. It's filled with vehicle listings from dealers across the United States. Select your city, state and price to find the perfect vehicle for you. Whether your looking for a car, pickup, SUV, van or any other vehicle, you'll find what you are looking for in your price range. Begin your used vehicle search now.
2008 Hyundai Sonata Limited
2008 Hyundai Sonata Limited

Tumwater, WA
Offered by:
Toyota of Olympia
6969 Tyee Dr SW
2014 Kia Sorento LX
2014 Kia Sorento LX

Tumwater, WA
Offered by:
Toyota of Olympia
6969 Tyee Dr SW
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