Used Cars Under $4000 Costa Mesa, CA

Shown below are some of the best used cars for less than $4000 dollars near the 92626 zip code. You can filter your results by using the vehicle search form below.

We recommend you get pre-approved to purchase a used vehicle by filling out our quick and easy auto finance application. This will let you see how much you can get approved for and save you time searching for a car, truck or SUV near Costa Mesa.
Make Results Zip Code Radius Max. Price
2004 Honda Odyssey EX-L Minivan 4D
2004 Honda Odyssey EX-L Minivan 4D

West Covina, CA
Offered by:
A&E Motors LLC
1323 W West Covina Pkwy
West Covina
Used Car Loans

Costa Mesa CA Used Car Loans

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Sep 16, 2024 - 7:00 am
When my car died on me I thought I would never be able to get something new in my price range. I'm so glad I found your site.
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Are You Looking for a New Car in Costa Mesa, CA?

Visit our new car section for the best price on a new vehicle close to your home. The list of new vehicles below are the most recently searched for new cars in Costa Mesa, CA. See what other peolple in Costa Mesa are looking for. Maybe you are too.

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Used Car Buying Advice
Used Cars Buying ArticlesUsed car buying articles. Check out useful car buying advice, reviews and loan advice.
Sep 16, 2024 - 5:11 am
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